Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I am reading the book Twilight right now...can I just say AMAZING! I am falling in love with the main character more and more everyday. It has me seriously thinking though. Love is an amazing thing. Your heart starts to pound. Your hands get a little bit sweaty. Your whole body is swirled up in emotions that you don't even know exactly what you are feeling until at that moment when he holds you in his arms or places his soft lips on yours. How can people be so open with what they are feeling? I am pretty good with stating little facts and I love to know what others are thinking or feeling, but when I am asked, I often find myself making up stories. I don't want people to really know how much I love someone else because I think that it won't hurt as bad when they don't like me back. Love is a spledid thing. I love love. I dream about love. I want love. I crave love. I need love. How amazing would it be to just be able to be open without fear of rejection or sadness or hurt. I dream of that day when being able to hold another human beings hand makes butterflies go up in my stomach. Surely one day my prince will come and I will love him openly and not be afraid.

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