Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's a Boy!

So I found out awhile ago that my precious little one is a baby boy. I have had a total of 3 ultrasounds (only 2 of which were far enough along to tell the gender). They both say boy so we are pretty sure that he's a little boy. We are so excited! He has been moving quite a bit lately. It's such a fun feeling. He is not quite strong enough to really kick but he feels just like a little flutter in my belly. The dogs have been super clingy lately so I wonder if they know that something is going on. I was up all night again last night being sick and I had a sick puppy throwing up right along side of me. I wonder if it's sympathy sickness? We both seem to be doing fine now. School is winding down. All of my assignments are finished except for one last test. Without having my school work to focus on, though, I am pretty bored. I feel like I just sit around and watch my life waste away. There are so many things I can do...such as clean the house. Then I think that there is no point because it will just be dirty again tomorrow. If the house is this bad now...what in the world is it going to be like with an extra edition? It is more than a full time job just trying to pick up after my husband. I have a feeling that the house will be nothing short of a nightmare. Anyway...My belly is starting to show the baby now so that is kind of fun to actually see him. The little one will be making his appearance in about 3 more months. While time has seemed to drag on so slowly these past few months...at the same time I wonder where all the time has gone.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Car Accident

Well some exciting...or not so exciting news is that Chrys was in a car accident on Sunday. Of course, it just happened to be his birthday too! Yuck! He crushed his left ring finger and had to have a metal rod and eight screws put in the place of his finger bone. Let me just say that boys in pain equals no fun! To top everything off...his deductable for the surgery just happens to be 2000 dollars! Tell me how some little surgery that took only an hour can cost more than having a baby...stupid! So much for having a savings account!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pregnancy Hormones

So I think I exerienced my fair share of pregnancy hormones today. I was watching the baby show on TLC today because I was procrastinating doing school work. I was so excited every second of the way and then...the baby came. I couldn't stop crying! Really?! Seriously?!! The mom that had just given birth was not crying...why was I crying? :) I have always that of the little ones as tiny miracles. I am so excited to meet my prcious angel. I feel like I have been pregnant and waiting forever, but in reality it has only just begun. I am just so excited to meet the little one!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So have you ever wanted something so bad and then when you have it right in the palm of your hands you just aren't sure anymore. I have theopportunity of a lifetime but I don't know what I want anymore. I started nursing with the end goal to work with babies. I love little kiddos and thats what I have wanted to do my entire life. What I didn't know at the time of making that goal is that it is nearly impossible to get a job doing that. Everyone wants to work with kids and babies. I found a different job that I didn't necessarily want, but I grew to love it. I have the perfect shift, and I like my job. I got an email yesterday from the clinical manager at Community North wanting to set up an interview for the maternity ward. What?! They are contacting me?! Thats not supposed to happen! I have a good job. I am very good at it. I can pretty much do it with my eyes closed. I am expecting my first baby. I am also in school...taking 4 classes this semster. Would it be crazy to switc h jobs right now? I have a lot on my plate. School takes a lot of time. I am sick all of the time. Plus I am trying to help Chrys through school. Work, for me, is nothing. I don't even have to think anymore to do my job. It's easy. I don't know the first thing about having a baby or taking care of a baby. (How ironic since I am expecting...I know!) This job will be hard! I remember when I first started rehab 2 years ago...I cried everyday because it was too hard. I am not good at new things. IT takes time to learn new things. Yuck! I don't like hard! BUT...it could be something that I end up loving. I will never know if I don't try. Also, how much do I really want to learn right before having a baby? I think it would be better not to have the inside knowledge. The other down side...if I get the job...is that I would be back on night shift. YUCK! I don't like night shift. I feel like I am always tired! BUT...then again it is only three days a week. I think I am going to interview and just see what happens. There is no harm in that right?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I got to hear my baby's heartbeat today!! So Exciting!! It just makes everything more real!! Chrys was pretty bummed that he wasn't able to be there but we were both very excited! I am supposedly 12 weeks along but my first ultrasound will be towards the end of next week to verify the dates and to see how our little one is growing!

Friday, August 7, 2009


So I pretty much had a breakdown on Tuesday. I cried and cried and cried some more. No one ever told me that this would be the worst nine months of my life. Then I feel bad for saying that because it shouldn't be that bad. It is that bad. Tuesday was my only day off this week. I woke up at 9am and immediately went to the bathroom to throw up. I stayed there until 10 when the look of the inside of the toilet bowl was making me more sick. It was dirty! Gross! So then I graduated to the bathroom trashcan. I went back to bed until 2 o'clock. I woke up to tell Chrys goodbye and then I went back to sleep until 6. This time I managed to stay awake until 8 and got a little bit of food down. At 8 I went back to bed until I had to get up the next morning for work. I am miserable 24 hours a day. I am a very bad sick person. I hate being sick more than anything in the world. I can normally bear it because I know that I will only be sick for a few days. There is no end in sight for this. I have been sick everyday for 2 months! I take phenergan which is supposed to help. It doesn't. I take zofran which is the only thing that seems to help. Only one problem with that...insurance only pays for 17 pills a month! What?! The pill only stays in your system for 6 hours. I am the lucky girl that gets to pick and choose what days to be only half sick instead of all the way sick. So of course I have to take the medicine before I go to work or else I really might die! It doesn't always work though. I threw up today in a patients bathroom after emptying a urinal. Seriously...and it was pretty yellow pee. Not too dark...no real smell. Still resulted in throw up! I don't know how people do this for nine months. Poor Chrys...he had no idea...I don't really get sick that much. He did not know what I was like when I was sick! Luckily he takes care of everything right now. He fixes all of our food. Oh and did I mention that we work different shifts. So he fixes my dinner before he goes to work. He packs my lunch for me. He gets up with me before I leave for work in the mornings. He does all the dishes. He does all of the laundry. He does all of the yard work. He takes care of the dogs AND he still works full time. I have pretty much just been a permanent attachment to the toilet bowl. I feel like I can't do anything at all...its terrible! Everyday I cry and ask myself what I have gotten into. Chrys just tells me that if he could carry the baby that he would but for now I just need to focus on the final product. The only thing that makes the sickness better is sleep...and even then I wake up in the middle of the night sick. Here I am thinking that pregant women just complaine a lot. Nope...I can vouch...al the complaining is very very valid! They earned it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


So about a week or so after the honeymoon I just had this weird kind of feeling of...hm...I think I am pregnant. But seriously...how could you ever know...so I just ignored it. Then around the 4th of July I was a few days late for my period...the feeling came back...hm...I think I am pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive. Then I took another and it came back positive. Chrys was just so excited that he wanted to tell anyone that he has ever spoken to in his entire life! I told him...no way could he tell...what if something happened?! I told my mom...because what else are you supposed to do? I had no idea! To my disappointment, my mom was not that excited. She just told me that it was way to early to tell. It didn't feel to early to me. Afterall I had had the suspicion for almost 3 weeks! Thats a long time to keep a secret! But since my mom told me I was crazy for taking a home pregancy test that early...I just waited. I waited until I was nauseaus and felt like dying for about a wekk and a half. It was decided that either I waas pregnant or I was really really sick! Surely, after women have been getting pregnant for all these years there has been something created so that they don't have to feel this sick all of the time! Chrys was really excited about my doctors appointment. He wanted to go but I made him stay home. He didn't need to watch me pee in a cup! So after all of this waiting...I found out that I have a serious illness that makes me sick just sabout 24 hours a day. Its called pregnancy!!! Ahhh!!!! I am still way to early off to tell anyone but blogging doesn't count...right?! I am only about 8 weeks. I have been told that the nausea gets better. Let's hope so! I was up in the middle of the night to throw up. I have to leave patients rooms just because I feel like throwing up! Its terrible! The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of the little baby I will get to raise in just a little while. So the moral of the story is that you really can tell that you are pregnant early on...and mom...I was not crazy! I just knew! :)I am so super excited!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Oh goodness! I can hardly believe that I am married! It's weird...but nice at the same time. I love having him with me all the time! It's great! Roomates on the other hand...while the money is good...the company is not so much. I have wanted more than anything to just have some good friends...but friends are never good to you and that is a fact. At some point in the relationship you will always get hurt. Sigh...I don't understand it...I already hate my new ward and I am trying to figure out how to move. It would be real convenient if the boundaries could move and I wouldn't have to. I already know that I am not going to fit in and I just absolutely hate it. Everyone is old and has kids and knew me when I was a kid. I am not a kid. I have changed so very much in just the past year. People there do not know me. I hung out with a yound couple that was a friend of mine in high school today. Surely I would fit in with them...NOPE! I just don't fit in...I have a few select friends from the branch tat I fit in with but even that wasn't very much. My social life is going to consist of work and chrys...and only chrys when he isnt at work or doing school work. I like the honeymoon...but after that I am not a big fan of married life. We are never going to see each other...and now I can't hang out with my friends because everything that we used to do was a singles activity. I think I really do want to move. I am depressed before going to the new ward... I just don't want to do it. I just want everyone to be happy (incluiding me!) As we have established in earlier posts...I am just not a happy person. Oh well!