Saturday, October 11, 2008

Christ I have this book that I was reading. It's called "When You Can't Do It Alone". A book about Christ. I was using my grandma's obituary as the book mark. work I was reading my book and I left it in the break room and when I came back the next day my poor bok was gone. Seriously...if you want to steal my book about Christ...I hope you learn something. grandma's obit...GIVE IT BACK!!! Sigh...but was just a piece of paper. Work has been a little crazy. I ended up working a couple 16 hour days last week. I had someone come in and die within just a couple had to chart a whole addmission and discharge...can i just say that that sucked. On the other hand though I have been taking care of this amazing young girl that went from having a feeding tube and a neck brace to talking and eating a regular diet and no brace and no more staples in just a couple weeks. Oh...and I went into her room the other day and she said my name!!! My name!!!! Ah!!! This is the first time that she has talked since the accident!!! I was like jumping up and down and she just had the biggest smile on her face!!! It's moments like those that make me love my job!! She is so darn cute!

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