Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Joy of Boys!

So changing a baby's diaper has been quite a learning experience. The other day I was changing my little man when he let out some gas and he ended up squirting my arm with his projectile poop! Yuck! I had my mom finish the job while I went and washed my hands. Then little Dylan started to pee. Lucky for my mom he was pointed up. Dylan peed all over his own little face and all over the back wall. It was so funny! How can such a little guy make such a mess?! Needless to say he got his first bath at home that day. I have a picture that is super cute that I will post later.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Haha that is for sure a boy thing! Ben did the same thing to Greg! This story made me laugh so hard! Enjoy the time with your precious little guy...soon enough he'll be turning 1! (Oh and they quickly outgrow the pooping and peeing on everything when you change them!)