Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So sometimes life is hard. The fact of the matter is that I cannot change what has happened to me. Therefor, I need to stop dwelling on it. If I dwell on it; it can consume my life and that is what empowers the person that hurt me the first time. Yes; what happened to me sucked, but, no, it is not going to consume my thoughts. Of course, it hurts to think about him and what we used to have. I try not to dwell on what once was and more try to think about the future. I have my life ahead of me to live a very long time. I have the opporunity to bless others and help them by some of the experiences that I have been through. This is not what I have asked for in my prayers. Although...I am sure that I will be blessed because of my experiences. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my dear laura....first off, i didn't even know you HAD a blog. secondly, it's amazing how two people can go through very similiar things and not even know it...

my book is my life story. it won't be a novel...but i'm working on it every day a little bit at a time.